Tax Day Deals & Freebies

The Best Tax Day Deals and Freebies


Tax Day isn't exactly exciting for many people, but at least a handful of freebies are usually available to make the day better. From savings on tax software to tasty treats to take the sting out, we've rounded up offers to make the day feel less stressful.

When Is Tax Day 2023?

Tax Day 2023 falls on April 18. That means if you haven't filed your taxes yet, it's time to get on it! Or file for an extension, but either way, if you haven't thought about them, it's time to start. And if you have finished your taxes already, then check out the best Tax Day deals and Tax Day freebies below to reward yourself for a job well done.

H&R Tax Software at Office Depot and OfficeMaxH&R Tax Software at Office Depot and OfficeMax
Store: Office Depot and OfficeMax

Save on a range of tax software, including the pictured H&R Block Basic 2022 Tax Software Download for $19.99 ($10 off).

No one likes to pay taxes. At least you can save money on tax software and tax prep services. Check out all the best deals, as well as money-saving advice from the DealNews experts.